Beyond Academics—Preparing Your Kids for College
We all want the best for our kids—we want them to take our triumphs and improve upon them, avoid our mistakes, and generally be more successful. Tessa wrote about ways to set up your...
Simple meals to keep you outside PLAYING!
The best part of the warmer weather is definitely playing outside. I’m a mom who works outside the home, so there are only so many precious hours that I get with my kids to...
Sibling Spacing:: The Best Thing About My Kids’ Age Gap
I’ve been on certain mom groups, and a particular question seems to pop up now and then—when should I have another kid? Many moms think about this, and everyone, rightfully so, has their own...
SUPER Simple Toddler-Approved Activities That Are Sure Favorites
I have an almost 4-year-old and an almost 1-year-old, so I’m currently going to be in toddler-activity mode for quite some time. We try to vary the activities to keep things exciting, but here...
Successful Online Learning:: Tips for your Kids in High School and College
As a college professor, I have taught in a variety of settings, in-person, hybrid (partially online and partially in person), and entirely online. Each mode of instruction has its benefits and things that make...
Easy Window Cling:: Rainy Day Craft Activity for Kids
As the cold turns to warm days, I get so excited to be outside, but there are always those rainy days where I'm not exactly sure what to do—yes, I love a good movie...
10 Things I Hate about Costco:: A Romantic Comedy
I hate that I have to show you my Costco membership card when I walk in.Isn’t it obvious that I’m a member?! I’m wearing my Kirkland leggings with my 32 Degrees sweatshirt that...
Give Your kids Some Credit This October–Credit Awareness Month
October isn’t just about fall colors, PSL, or Halloween, it is also credit awareness month! While you may think your kids are possibly nowhere near ready to get a credit card or apply...
How I learned to be more productive with my time with tips!
A friend of mine jokingly (but in a serious way) calls me her most productive friend.
I take it as a compliment and really do think of myself as someone who is quite productive. As...
Financial Literacy Bingo
As parents, we want to make sure we set up our kids for success. One way to help make sure our kids are ready for success and the real world is to help make...