My anxiety/panic attacks seemed to come out of nowhere. I was baffled as to why I was feeling the way I was feeling. My husband was out of town, and things with my kids and routine were going fine until...
At the beginning of the year, my husband and a good friend of mine decided (separately) to try intermittent fasting. It was getting a lot of hype, and after doing some research, they each gave it a whirl. I didn't...
When you become a mom, something both awful and incredible happens. Your sleep is interrupted, and the mere grunt of your baby wakes you from across the house (no monitor needed). If you're a mom, you might agree that we...
So far, the year 2020 has been a year of immense challenge and fear. We are experiencing a pandemic, racial and political unrest, and economic struggle. With time, these events can be a mechanism of positive change for us...
What if I told you that I have a prescription that can help you and your children lessen anxiety, inspire creativity, and help you get active? We’ve heard of the traditional forms of self-care: massage, pedicure, and girls’ night....
Competition is in my blood. It's been there from the time I was a little girl. The challenge is still in me. As a former Division I and professional athlete, I enjoyed competing. The grueling 3-hour practices, twice a day....
“I’m just going to do a quick 20-minute workout while the kids play.” Two hours have gone by. You’ve broken up two fights, consoled one toddler, applied a Band-Aid, changed a poopie diaper, cleaned up a spilled drink, changed...
According to the Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, National Nutrition Month is celebrated every year during March. The primary focus is on the importance of making informed food choices while developing sound eating and physical activity habits. The theme for...
A postpartum woman receives the "all clear" at the six to eight-week appointment with their OB or midwife. She's told she can resume any activity she wants. What does that really mean when it comes to physical activity? She's...
Restorative Vinyasa Flow: Yoga for Mamas Estimated time: 15 minutes Mom-time: 60 minutes, spread over several hours Props needed: Yoga mat Slightly damp towel, from last night's bath time, because you can't find your yoga mat anywhere. Water or organic herbal tea with organic, local...

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In + Around Omaha

Where to Donate in and around Omaha

Have gently used clothing items, toys, or household goods you're not using anymore? Why not donate? When you're cleaning out closets and getting rid...