Omaha Moms Blog :: Introducing Megan

I can’t even believe I’m signing up for this new adventure as a blogger on a team of Omaha Moms, but here goes. . . .

PC :: Emily Hardy Photography


I’ve lived here essentially my whole life and truly think of it as HOMAHA. I love that even though we’re in the city there’s often a small town feel in finding and seeing people you know, people being friendly, typically courteous drivers (that may be a Midwest, not just an Omaha thing, but i love it all the same), and that our city is growing in so many ways. We’re continuously bringing in new entertainment and businesses and even after living here my whole life I find new activites/places/people all the time. Those are all the reasons I’m also so proud to be able to raise my girls here; I can’t wait to show them all there is to experience right here in their hometown and to teach them about the values of being friendly, kind, and considerate of others.


I have twin girls that are now 9 months old. Savannah and Mackenzie teach me something new everyday-really! I have a degree in Early Childhood yet my girls are constantly showing me that raising kids and knowing about kids are two totally different worlds. Although some days that brings me to the verge of tears (and usually right over that verge and into a flood of them), MOST days it also challenges me to be a better person, keeps me on my toes, forces me to live in the moment, and always shows me that even when I think I’m at the peak of being in love, there is still more. Those same things are also the things that make being a mom a challenge for me- I mean who embraces change ALL THE TIME? Not this girl, but I’m working on it. And, who enjoys not knowing what’s next? Sure, some people thrive off of it, but not me: the Type A, organized, planner would probably often prefer the easy predictable life. Again, I’m working on it. My motto has become “present not perfect” so that I remember not to be too hard on myself while I’m figuring all of this out.


I love writing, I am a straightforward kinda gal, I love sharing my stories, and I tend to enjoy getting a laugh where I can. I am hoping I have a lot to share with fellow Omaha mamas. Plus, I’ve been in instances where it was nice to know there was a tribe around you-even if you didn’t know them all first hand. That’s what I like about the idea of being a part of OMB-we’re all in this together! Plus, I’m a first time mom (FTM) of twins- someone besides my husband has to benefit from hearing the shenanigans I experience on a regular basis; and, someone has to tell other mamas of multiples who has the good high chairs, big tables, and double carts that make getting out and functioning possible!

Megan was born and raised in Omaha; she tried to go "away" for college but it only took her about 2 hours west to Hastings College. After graduating and not wanting to get a "real job" she pursued graduate school at UNL and finished with a Masters in Child Development. She began working as an Early Childhood Program Evaluator and eventually met her CPA husband, Dan. In July their lives changed when they welcomed two beautiful baby girls, Mackenzie & Savannah. After more than 9 years in her professional position Megan left to stay home and currently considers her position as the "Keeper of Chaos" in the household to be the most important job she'll ever get the privilege to have. When she's not chasing after newly crawling twin babies or figuring out how this whole mom thing works, she enjoys the small things: a drink on the porch, walks with her family, roaming Target alone, candy bar lattes, and listening to audiobooks.


  1. Hi Megan! Great motto to live by — one we should all embrace! And I think “Keeper of the Chaos” would look terrific on your resume! ๐Ÿ˜‰

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