Help Omaha Mom eliminate Daylight Saving Time by signing our petition!
Daylight Saving Time is as welcomed in the parenting community as a runny nose at the playground. Parents have been hit especially hard this last year trying to juggle all the things that a global pandemic, and life in general, threw our way. We are running on fumes trying to keep our heads, and households, above water! So why are we still throwing the wrench of Daylight Saving Time into an already difficult situation? It truly is The Most Horrible Time of Year!
According to a 2014 Rasmussen Report, only 33% of Americans see the purpose of Daylight Saving Time (DST).
A century ago, when DST was introduced, more daylight was a good thing, it saved energy by using less artificial light. Today with the amount of computers, TV screens and air conditioners we use more energy whether the sun is up or not. There are numerous studies who link the lack of sleep at the start of DST to car accidents, workplace injuries, heart attacks, suicide and miscarriages! And the early evening darkness after the end of DST is linked to depression. It costs money! Decrease in productivity and the extra cost in building DST support into computer systems and keeping them maintained. Information provided by
Omaha Mom is starting this petition to end Daylight Saving Time in Nebraska. The negative impact the time change has on local families and residents far outweighs the benefits in our modern society. Nebraska families have been through a lot in the last year, ending Daylight Saving Time would be a welcomed benefit enjoyed by all.