Things to do Inside When It’s too Cold to Go Outside

by cottonbro studio from Pexels

The winter months in Omaha can be LONG! There are snow days, sick days, and days when it’s just too cold to go outside! That’s a recipe for a stressed out mom and stir-crazy kids!

Here are some of our favorite things to do inside, no matter the reason you can’t leave the house. We it helps!

Things to Do Inside With Kids

  • Build a fort. Pull out all the pillows and blankets or use cardboard boxes! 
  • Make stained glass window art. Things you will need: Large piece of paper or cardboard, colored cellophane (as many different colors as you like), pencil, scotch tape, scissors.
  • Create a spider web using masking tape. Take masking tape and make a web in a door frame. Crumple up newspaper and take turns throwing the balls into the web. Whoever gets the most to stick wins!
  • Paint with magic milk. You will need a bowl, milk, food coloring, Q-tips, and dish soap.
  • Fill up the bathtub and let the kids take an epic bubble bath.
  • Make fluffy slime. You will need contact lens solution, shaving cream, water, glue, food coloring, and baking soda.
  • Play board games. Some of our favorites are Clue, Sneaky Snacky Squirrel, Spot It, and Uno.
  • Get out all your puzzles and work them!
  • Do yoga. We love Cosmic Kids Yoga on Youtube!
  • Listen to a podcast. Two of our favorites are Wow in the World and Stories Podcast.
  • Rearrange the furniture or switch kids’ bedrooms.
  • Have an indoor campout! Get out sleeping bags, push back furniture, and spend the night together. You could even set up a tent in the living room or basement.
  • Make s’mores. If you have a fireplace you can roast marshmallows there, or make them in the microwave.
  • Let the kids make dinner!
  • Make Play-Doh. All you need is flour, salt, water, and cream of tartar.
  • Get out all your LEGOs, blocks, trains, and cars and build an epic city.
  • Make stick or sock puppets.
  • Pull out all the dress-up clothes and put on a show!
  • Listen to audiobooks from the library. You can download the Libby or Hoopla apps for free.
  • Do a science experiment. An easy one is mixing vinegar, baking soda, and food coloring.
  • Have a video game tournament. Mario Kart anyone?
  • Make a sensory bin. Fill a bin with rice, beans, or water beads and let the kids dig and play.
  • Move the cars out of the garage and let the kids ride their bikes or scooters around.
  • Have a movie night. Pop popcorn on the stove, pull out blankets and pillows, and snuggle in!
  • Have a dance party. Let everyone pick a song and create a playlist.

What are your go-to indoor activities? 

Andrea Cooley
Omaha Mom is written by moms, for moms. We provide genuine parenting resources, events and community through connecting and empowering local Omaha Moms.


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