Omaha Moms Blog and Clean Fuels Omaha are excited to bring you our Summer Park Hop Series. We are partnering with local companies to bring you a fun-filled summer. Summer park hops will take place all around the Omaha metro area...
It’s that time of year again! You’ve had a busy summer full of camp, pool days, frolicking, bug spray, and--dare I say it--even boredom. You may or may not be ready to have your kids head back to school, but...
It started out as just one. One well-known person committed suicide on June 5, 2018. I held my breath and hoped my almost 12-year-old, Jonah, didn't see the headlines. The next day brought the inevitable. Another celebrity in the...
I’m a Pinterest mom. I do not cook gourmet, five course meals or have an elaborately decorated, perfectly organized house. I’m not that kind of Pinterest mom, though I wish I was and therefore do not find any fault...
Are you a domestic engineer? Do you ever feel like you need another identity other than Mom? Are you finding yourself slipping into the abyss of motherhood?  If you can answer yes to any of these questions, this is the blog...
At some point in life, children need to learn how to read. For some, it’s easy. For others, it’s not. Reading is one of those skills that takes a lot of practice. But how do you encourage someone who’s...
If you read my previous post on The Reluctant Reader, you’ll know that we struggled a bit to find books that my daughter was not only interested in reading, but that she could read. Making the transition from easy readers to...
Recently, I have been thinking about the word "fat". I have had two specific interactions with my 6-year-old that have led me to thinking more and more about this word and how to approach it as a mom, especially...
Sleep. I was thinking about the last time I got to sleep through the night, it was about years ago? Seriously you guys, I haven’t gotten to sleep an entire night without at least one wake up in...
It's 5:00 again. Homework, swimming, karate, dance, baseball, soccer, whatever. Husband is running late. Toddler is melting down. Baby is crying. Big kids kids are starving. I look in the fridge and see half a gallon of milk, some...

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In + Around Omaha

Berry Picking In and Around Omaha

Late spring and early summer is a great time for berry picking. Fresh-picked strawberries are juicy, sweet, and delicious! Check out the best places...