Looking for things to do in August? We have organized a list of August events happening all around the Omaha area!
Reusable grocery bags: CHECK! Recycling bin: CHECK! Refillable water bottle: CHECK! Tank full of biofuel for family vacation: CHECK! We have three little ones growing up in a world with excess garbage and questionable air quality, and I think it’s everyone’s goal to...
In 1956 in Illinois seven young mothers began the world’s first ever breastfeeding support and educational organization simply by creating friendships and meeting together for the sole purpose of providing information and practical support  to one another. During the...
Expecting moms, new moms, old moms and everyone in between has advice to offer. I say, listen to the advice and then do what makes sense to you...always go with your gut! I have made a lot of gut...
Isn't is crazy that something very natural can be really hard? If breastfeeding is a struggle for you, there is hope for a successful nursing relationship with the right resources and help from your village of family and friends. When...
Girlfriends, this one's for you! I confess. Good girlfriends are a commodity that--while I value them so very much--don’t get the accolades they deserve nearly often enough. As someone who moves around frequently, I’ve collected quite the assortment of fantastic...
I’ve been a stay-at-home mom for over seven years. It was a decision we made after having our second and facing the fact that daycare for two was nearly my entire paycheck. We budgeted, financed, and couponed long before...
The day was finally here. My daughter and I were both filled with excitement and a little fear. Every last detail of my daughter's outfit had been planned. Everything she carried in her backpack was carefully chosen to remind...
  My mom taught me many important lessons. The most important one I learned when I was only four years old. As a very strong-willed child when I wanted something, it could be very difficult to dissuade me. That particular...
When you were in school, did you come up with reasons to get out of doing the mile in gym class because you hated running with a passion? That was me! Or, maybe you were the star of your...

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