Who said family travel has to be expensive? This is the chronicle about a single mom who took her kids on a memorable trip across South Dakota for 6 days and 5 nights, for less than $1000, and stayed relatively...
Looking for gifts that give back? Here is a list of where you can find unique gifts that give back to great causes. The Refugee Empowerment Center Located in Omaha, this organization helps resettle refugees by assisting them with living arrangements,...
I’m sure you’ve heard about Jennifer Garner giving her kids a Yes Day each year. Yes Day is a simple concept—you simply say yes to every request the kids make, no matter how silly it may be! I was curious about...
Confession: I have a messy car. No matter how hard I’ve tried, my car always ends up a messy disaster. I wish I was kidding that what follows are actual photos of the inside of my car. WHAT is all of...
We love crafts in our house. I have two boys, 1 1/2 and 3 1/2, and they are busy. Busy is actually an understatement. They are constantly moving, are all boy, and though I love them dearly, they can...
It's no secret that several of us at Omaha Mom are Costco fans. Fanatics, addicts, there's a thin line there. In keeping with our theme of helping you battle the meal planning burden, we're stepping up our game and...
The best part of the warmer weather is definitely playing outside. I’m a mom who works outside the home, so there are only so many precious hours that I get with my kids to play. It is always such...
There never seem to be enough hours in the day. After I come home from work, I just want to eat dinner and rest. However, I want to sneak in as much time with my kids before it's time...
I have two boys; one is naturally funny. He doesn’t even try to be. He just is. My other son is not funny at all, not in the least, but he has learned how to be funny. Raising funny, witty, and...
Omaha Mom contributor Jennie is back with her tips and meal planning tricks! If you missed her first part, click here for her Meal Plan like a Mother (part one). For Christmas this last year, my sister gifted me a...

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In + Around Omaha

Where to Donate in and around Omaha

Have gently used clothing items, toys, or household goods you're not using anymore? Why not donate? When you're cleaning out closets and getting rid...