If you are around kids in any capacity, you know there are toys of the moment that better not be lost, forgotten at Grandma’s, or broken, otherwise an apocalyptic type situation will explode in your household.
As a parent and a teacher, I have a pretty good view of both sides.  If teachers hold the standard high for students, parents hold the standards even higher for teachers.
There, I said it. My number one goal this summer was to have some fun without my kid. I love her to pieces, but let's get real; Moms just wanna have fun too!!!
The ability to swim will give my children the joy of water sports, as well as a skill that could save their life. Because of the joy and safety that it could bring them, I always considered swimming an important life skill for my children to develop.
As a working mother I can count on one hand, oh wait… two fingers, how often I have spent an entire work-free week with my children. Two times a year-yes you read that correctly!
One of my greatest accomplishments in my life will forever be joining the inclusive world of motherhood.  We all have our own beliefs, preferences, and passions, but we execute our daily lives and insane schedules out of love and the desire to be the best we can be with our accessible resources.
Having a toddler is a tough time, I always seem to forget this until we are in the middle of it. They are little beings who are mobile in their world, but have no idea what they are doing.  Limited communication skills can cause tantrums and even screaming (I have a current screamer and it is exhausting).
I want my child's teacher to know that I admire what you do. I know that I couldn’t do it. It takes a special kind of person to dedicate their life to teaching young people. 
"What did you do today?". . . . it's a question that every stay at home mama hears.  On a good day, it means how was your day?  Buuuuuut, on a bad day, it can mean a number of negative things: why isn't more done, why is this place a mess, what's going on with the crazy kids?
I had one child that struggled with learning to read. Simple sight words were a chore. Longer words with blends were tortuous. Honestly, even sitting in a vertical position was a challenge for her though. I knew that her attention span had a lot to do with the delay.

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In + Around Omaha

Berry Picking In and Around Omaha

Late spring and early summer is a great time for berry picking. Fresh-picked strawberries are juicy, sweet, and delicious! Check out the best places...