Fairyland is real.
The fairy garden craze became super popular when my twins were about two years old. My mom, who has a reputation for going overboard, found numerous fairy garden creatures at a garden store for her home garden. Someone gave me some fairy garden figurines that I’d casually set in a potted plant.
It wasn’t until I discovered the Fairy Door that my imagination took off. The Irish Fairy Door was started to help families “experience magic all year long.” If you are not familiar with the Fair Door idea, you basically purchase a Fairy Door that invites a fairy into your home. The door acts as a make-believe portal between your house and Fairy Valley, the Irish version of Fairyland.

Creating Fairyland
As someone who appreciates any opportunity to be creative or imaginative, I bought a knock-off fairy door at my local Michaels (any craft or hobby store will have fairy-like accessories and creatures you can “adopt”). I set it up against the wall and soon a letter arrived from Fairyland! The letter detailed how to keeping the fairy door maintained and safe. There were two glass stones (decorative glass stones you’d put in an aquarium or water plant that I painted with glitter nail polish) that we were told were Wishing Stones! And thus the world of Fairyland was created at our house.
My girls are five years old now, and the magic has evolved into four fairy doors + 100’s of tiny fairy figurines throughout our spring garden and backyard. We have a fairy door above our fireplace mantel, one at each entrance of the house, and my girls have one in their room. Spending money on tiny plastic figurines sounds crazy (because it is). My favorite fairy creatures to use are McDonald’s toys or other throw-away figurines you may get from the dentist or birthday gift bag.
Humans come in all shapes and sizes, so do fairies.
Throw a Spring Fling to Welcome the Fairies back!
On the first day of spring, I throw a Spring Fling Tea Party, complete with tea and cookies. Then we get all of our Fairy Garden figurines out and visualize what flowers we want to plant.
My first Spring Fling, I had about 15 kids under the age of 5 from my Mom’s Club over to my house to decorate their own fairy door. I got a bunch of plain, wooden fairy doors from Amazon, and the kids decorated them with markers, stickers, and rhinestones. I also got a bunch of mini figurines, stones, and beads from Dollar Tree and the Target dollar section; painted them with glitter nail polish; and hid them all over my back yard. The goal was to find the hidden leprechaun, but they got to keep any fairy figures they found to start their own fairy garden at home. It was a huge hit!
Not just for Fairies . . . .
While the garden fairies come out in the spring, we use our fairy door all year long. That is how Gertrude, our Santa’s helper elf—who also happens to be an alligator—comes and goes from the North Pole. The Easter Bunny, also a Fairyland resident, has a special key to come in and leave us chocolate. And eventually, when teeth start falling out, the tooth fairy will ask for the tooth to be left at the door (why are we making this harder by asking them to put it under their pillow?!). We occasionally have a fairy visit to remind us to keep our rooms clean, teeth brushed, and to help mom and dad with chores. During thunderstorms, or if they are dealing with any anxiety, we use our wishing stones to put our worries away.
With Imagination, You will Never be Bored!
This past Christmas, one of my daughters asked for a “real-life unicorn.” She had her heart set on having a unicorn in the backyard, and after 2020, one more disappointment just wasn’t in my wheelhouse. So I got my creative mind churning and came up with the Unicorn and Dragon Fairyland Adoption Agency.
Since Unicorns are magical creatures and cannot survive in captivity, they must remain in Fairyland. Would my daughter have loved a “real-life unicorn” more than an adoption certificate? Sure. Does she draw pictures and makeup stories about her unicorn, Lady Shimmer Honey Blossom? Yes. And that is why I do it. With imagination, you will never be bored!

I realize my creative fantasy is not for everyone, but if you look to Pinterest boards for engaging activities for young kids, may I suggest a fairy door.
Create magic, build imagination, learn about nature, and have those silly memories that will stick with your kids forever.
One day my children will outgrow the fantasy of Fairyland…or maybe not, since I enjoy it as much as (probably more than) they do.