There are so many benefits of learning to swim, especially at an early age. It improves cardiovascular fitness, coordination, balance and cognitive development. And the biggest benefit of learning to swim is that it enables children to save themselves from drowning.
Drowning is the leading cause of death for children under five according to the Centers for Disease Control. Sadly it happens quickly and quietly. Of all preschoolers who drown, 70 percent are in the care of one or both parents at the time of drowning and 75 percent are missing from sight for five minutes or less.
According to Stop Drowning Now, a global non-profit organization that exists to educate the public about water safety, children who begin lessons before four years of age decrease their likelihood of drowning by 88 percent.
Though it is important to note that no amount of instruction makes a child “drown proof”, teaching a child to swim is, without a doubt, giving him/her a critical lifelong skill.
Keeping your children safe…
- There is never a substitute for parental supervision.
- Designate a Water Watcher. When everyone is watching no one is watching. The Designated Water Watcher watches the child/children in the pool. Period. No texting, reading or running inside for “just a moment”.
- Educate your children about the rules of water safety. Establish and enforce safety rules. Teach children to always ask permission before going near the water.
- Teach your child to swim or enroll them in swimming lessons.
- Have a safety plan and learn cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR). If a person is recovered from the water and CPR is administered within two minutes there is a 94 percent chance of survival.
- Pools and lakes are not the only places we need to be vigilant about watching our little ones. Any water can pose a danger to a small child. Kiddie pools, water in ditches, buckets of water, the toilet, and bathtub may also pose a threat.
- If you own a pool or live near one, make sure the pool is properly fenced in. Never prop a gate open. Make sure there are proper barriers to keep unauthorized children from entering your pool or spa. If your child is missing the pool should be the first place you look.
Babies grew and developed in an aquatic environment.
It feels natural to be in the water. Fear only develops as children get older. It is important to teach children to respect the water not fear it.
Anyone can learn to swim at any age. It is much gentler on the body than any other sport. It is a lifelong sport. Babies and octogenarians alike can all enjoy the benefits of swimming. There are many activities for children as they grow up, but how many of the activities actually teach them to save their own life?
Little Waves Family Swim School is all about teaching children to be safe in the water while having a great time. They provide swim instruction for babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and children. They have a pre-competitive program for those children interested in competitive swimming. The all-adult teaching staff, chosen for their passion to work with children, provide consistent instruction after a 40 hour training program. Their 4 foot deep teaching pool, built specifically for swim lessons, will always be a warm 90 degrees, comfortable for children, parents, and instructors. For more information or to register for lessons, visit the website or call (402) 932-2030