October has always been my favorite month. The word “October” bursts in my mind an array of burnt orange, burgundy, and amber. The excited energy; the undercurrent of change in the atmosphere.
October means a hot cup of tea is never far away, a cozy blanket from last year’s Black Friday Sale is within my reach, and the evening chatter includes World Series stats, butternut squash recipes, and the goings on in Football. A favorite book (or twelve) that I am really wanting to start or finish is on an end table in every room, waiting patiently for me to make the time. . .
October is also the time when the theme forefront in my mind, is Gratitude. The quote from Ralph Waldo Emerson is a great reminder. “Cultivate the habit of being grateful for every good thing that comes to you, and to give thanks continuously. And because all things have contributed to your advancement, you should include all things in your gratitude.”
Four Octobers ago, in the wake of a chain of events that concluded with delivering our first child at just under 19 weeks gestation, my broken heart and aching soul, experienced gratitude like never before. I had prayed to become a mother. After giving up the notion we would never become parents, we had; but our sweet Thaddeus was gone too soon.
It was in October that we learned God had answered our prayer with another miracle. Our Rainbow.
October has always been my favorite month. I love watching the leaves that slowly change from their viridescent hues and feeling the winds that bring a chill as they urge those leaves to let go, sailing to ground. I love the marshmallow, pumpkin spice, cinnamon, and clove aromas wafting about, and the reminder of family this season brings me. I love that I have discovered that the little life that first made me a mother, gave me a story that has allowed me in a special group of women. A group that no one wants to belong to, but one that is larger than one could imagine. Because of this group, this beautiful month is one where our angels are embraced, spoken of, celebrated and REMEMBERED. Because of my story, I have met, shared and cried with, some amazing and strong women that have truly inspired me.
Because of Gratitude, I have chosen to make it a forethought to be thankful; grateful for all of the little things. Each moment I breathe is a moment that allows contemplation, reflection, and opportunity to appreciate the precious gift of life. Cuddling and reading books with my toddler, hours spent talking and dreaming with my sweet husband, quiet moments of meditation, a warm kitchen full of home-cooked meals, gazing at the sun as it slips away to slumber. My favorite part of every day. My October.

I do enjoy the hot tea, great novel, cozy blanket time of year!