Hi, I’m Catherine, mom to Choo-Choo-obsessed Henry (who just turned two!) and wife to Alex! I’m a nearly 30 (but not quite!) stay-at-home mom who loves going on adventures all over town with my favorite sidekick. I’ve lived in Omaha for about 4 years with my husband of nearly 5 years.
One of my favorite things about Omaha is how easy it is to get around to all the amazing places our city has to offer! We live in West O but we’re just a short car ride away from Fontenelle Forest, the Zoo or the Joslyn. I’m originally from Chicago so I love the Omaha “traffic”. Being able to get anywhere in town in about 25 minutes is amazing!
Of course I’m often homesick for Sweet Home Chicago, but I’m always reminded of the hassle of raising kids in a big city. If we lived in downtown Chicago we wouldn’t have a yard and a 3-car garage (who am I kidding, you know I love parking my SUV in the middle of two parking stalls!). Sure life would be fun but I imagine the day to day grind would be so much more difficult (especially without my little tribe of moms who make life so much more fun!).
I also love Omaha because lately when I’m out I almost ALWAYS run into someone I know or find I have a mutual friend. Omaha has the familiarity of a small town, but with big city amenities.
My absolute favorite quote that I believe sums up motherhood is, “the moment a child is born, the mother is also born. She never existed before. The woman existed, but the mother, never. A mother is something absolutely new.” Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh.
As I watch my son change (and wow has he grown!) I look back and see how much I’ve also changed (hopefully for the better). As a stay at home mom my daily routine has changed, but more than that my goals and purpose in life are completely different, and I love that.
I’m a preparer, some (most) would call me a perfectionist. While I was pregnant I did a LOT of research: the best car seats, high chairs, baby led weaning. I “know” about “it” all. The common theme linking “it” all together is that I couldn’t prepare for it. I DON’T have it all figured out. I have been wrong about so many things (more than I’d probably like to admit) and I’m sure that trend will continue.
But on April 28, 2015 they put that baby in my arms and he was mine and I’m his. A mother was born. I have a happy, smart and kind son who loves with his whole heart. I can’t ask for much more than that. So maybe I’ve figured it out. At least a little.
In my LBC (life before child) I was a TV reporter. I met my husband while I was working at the CBS affiliate in Lincoln. Alex had just moved to town because he bought a quick service restaurant (Pickleman’s) that I already happened to love. We met on his very first day as owner and since I was already eating there at least once a day I figured it would be a good decision to marry into the sandwich family. Now I get my buffalo chicken sandwiches for free, and I’m sure Alex noticed a dip in sales after we started dating.
Catherine- I love your honesty about researching and still being wrong. I find it VERY relatable. I look forward to your future posts!
Hi Catherine. Love the quote; it’s true!
I love the quote, Catherine!
Love it❤️