So you are considering homeschooling. “What about socialization? Don’t you want them socialized?” I’m a mom who has chosen to homeschool. If I had a nickel for every time I’ve been asked this question, I’d have a lot of nickels. Of course I want my children socialized. What some do not realize is socialization is still present in homeschooling; it occurs during the extra-curricular activities. It’s not much different for traditional education. Structured education is not the primary source of socialization for any child as it occurs during unstructured play and activities outside of school. People unfamiliar with homeschooling can see it as work done in isolation, and they are unaware of the vast amount of activities available to homeschoolers. In Omaha, we have so incredible opportunities for socialization in the form of groups, classes, and activities. Here is a comprehensive list of what Omaha has to offer homeschooling families.
Co-ops and Formal Classes
- Omaha Homeschool Learning Center
- The Learning Center offers supplemental classes from preschool to high school. Classes meet one day a week on Wednesdays and range from Biology to Tae Kwon Do to Art.
- Classical Conversations
- Classical Conversations is focused on classical and biblical education. There are various campuses around Omaha. Groups meet one day a week following a structured curriculum kindergarten through high school.
- Catholic School House
- Catholic School House is a supplemental curriculum in which children meet once a week in a classroom setting. Parents are asked to volunteer and participate in the education and curriculum.
- Trinity Classical Academy
- TCA offers a collaborative, Christian, and classical education for children k-12. Students attend the school two days a week and homeschool three days a week.
- A Latere Academy
- A Latere is a hybrid classical school for students k-8th. Students attend school twice a week and homeschool three days a week. Middle school students meet on a half-day on a third day as well.
- Truth and Beauty Homeschool Colloborative
- Truth and Beauty is a Charlotte Mason-inspired collaborative that meets one day per week of classes to reinforce home learning and offer community and accountability. They offer grades 1-9 in mixed-age classes
- Private Co-Ops
- Many homeschooling families have homeschooling friends. We form informal co-ops to “share” lessons, take turns teaching, and help our children socialize in a classroom-type setting.
Homeschool Days
- Various locations around Omaha offer homeschool days. These Omaha businesses offer opportunities for homeschool families to meet up and socialize.
- The Strategic Air and Space Museum (SAC)
- Vala’s Pumpkin Patch
- Rose Theater
- Skate Daze Homeschool PE Day
- YMCA Homeschool PE Day
- Joslyn Castle
- Premier Gymnastics
- Skate City Homeschool PE Day
Homeschool Extra-Curricular Groups and Activities
- Omaha Warriors
- Provides young homeschooled women an opportunity to play basketball and volleyball
- Nebraska Homeschool – Home Educators Network
- NH-HEN offers a variety of extra-curricular activities, groups, and clubs.
- Homeschool Prom
- Homeschool Homecoming
- Homeschool Winter Formal
- Spelling Bee
- Yearbook
- Homeschool Library
- Boy Scouts
- Girl Scouts
- Drama
- Musicals
- Sports Clubs – Basketball, Flag Football, etc.
- NH-HEN offers a variety of extra-curricular activities, groups, and clubs.
- Heart and Soul Studio
- Heart and Soul Studio in Bennington, NE provides formal art classes. Certain classes are specific to homeschoolers.
- National Christian Forensic and Communication Association
- This group offers speech and debate opportunities for homeschoolers.
Other Extra-Curricular Groups and Activities
- Just like traditionally educated students, homeschoolers have a variety of community activities and clubs that are available for them. These clubs allow kids to socialize with students from public and privates schools along with other homeschoolers.
- 4-H
- Swimming
- Awanas
- Church Youth Groups
- Sunday School
- Work
- Traveling Sports Leagues
- City Sports Leagues
- YMCA Sports Leagues
- Destination Imagination
- Math Counts
- Tae Kwon Do
- Karate
- Dance Classes
- Volunteering
- Computer Science Competitions
- First Lego League
- Music Classes
- Playdates
- Neighborhood friends
- Public Library Classes
- Do-Space
- Henry Doorly Zoo Camps
Homeschooling Family Groups
Homeschool families have quite a few options for support throughout their educational journey. Through these outlets, many make wonderful connections with others.
- CHAO – Catholic Homeschool Association of Omaha
- CHAO provides monthly mass, quarterly meetings for families, and other social and spiritual events for parents and children.
- Nebraska Christian Home Educators Association
- The NCHEA provides conferences for parents and students, publishes a newsletter, and works with local and state government on legislation relevant to homeschoolers.
- Nebraska Homeschool – Home Educators Network (NH-HEN)
- In addition to the above-mentioned activities for students, NH-HEN provides conferences and mentoring opportunities for parents of homeschoolers.
- Heartland Homeschoolers
- This group hosts many social and educational events around the greater Lincoln, NE area for homeschooling families.
Homeschoolers have so many options for socialization in our great city. From speech to basketball, these programs allow our young people to make lifetime connections and friends.