Have you had days like this? It’s the 15th time you’ve helped your child pick up their toys and you realize a little too late that you need to vacuum. This goes double for me as we live with two large dogs and two furry felines. I’m also pregnant, so the thoughts of getting on the floor to set a good example for my child in picking up after ourselves as well as coaxing my toddler to help me can become overwhelming. But let us be real, these thoughts can be overwhelming when not pregnant, I’ve been there. Toddler tips and tricks aside, sometimes near the end of the day, I just don’t feel like pulling yet another rabbit out of a hat to make picking up “fun”. It’s not. I know it and my toddler knows it despite my best efforts.
So, I vacuum around the toys.
I figure, ‘Hey, I vacuumed yesterday (or two days ago, or last week (don’t judge)), I’ll get it next time.’
All this to say, you will get to vacuum next time.
Cleaning and maintaining the house is a no joke job alongside momming every single day. Household maintenance is also one of those things there is literally no vacation from. Well, yes, you could physically take a vacation to escape it, but most people I know clean their home before they leave either to return to a nice environment, however short-lived that may be, or for their house-sitter. In our case, the dog and cat sitter. After all, I can’t have people actually knowing I might live in squalor multiple days per week (gasp!)
However, my tried and true friends are all aware that tidying my household (especially a task like getting the vacuum out) is not my main priority in life. I’m lucky enough to have a spouse who understands and supports this notion knowing that if the house isn’t clean, that only means I’ve spent that time doing something with or for our children (or myself!) No, I’m no Pinterest mom—try as I might to achieve Pinterest level greatness at times. I try not to succumb to the stress levels our momming culture puts on us this day and age, even though I’m not always successful. My kid didn’t go outside yesterday. Yes, I feel guilty about that…for about a minute.
Please remember no 20-year-old (or even five-year-old) remembers that day they didn’t go outside one day (or 15) in the summer when they were three.
Give yourself some grace, take time for you, and spend that time you will never get back with those tiny, sticky fingers and toes. There are absolutely two things that matter more than the mess on your counter (in my opinion), caring for yourself and caring for others. You will remember (and regret) not cultivating lasting relationships in your golden years. You will not remember (or regret) not getting the dishes done right after dinner. Today, save yourself some time and energy, vacuum around the toys (or not at all).